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TWT Harvest Building

TWT HARVEST ・ ハーベスト(収穫
[Church Building Fundraising Project/教会施設支援プロジェクト]

Let us work together to put our resources together

in order to fulfill the mandate that God has given to TWT.

There are many projects and plans ahead of us, and it all begins here.



Click to make a donation to TWT Harvest Building Project.



Tokyo Worship Tabernacle is a multicultural church with a mission from God to reach all the people of Tokyo and Japan with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. In order to do that we must grow - in numbers, spiritually, and in our activities.

For over 18 years now, we have been actively involved in many outreaches in Japan. And by the grace of God we have seen many souls won to the Lord, with numerous testimonies like cancers, strokes, and other serious ailments being healed; deliverances from demonic oppressions, financial blessings and more!



教会施設プロジェクト 支援チャリティーディナー




While we are so blessed and thankful to God for our current facility, we are limited in what we can do in this place. Our goal is that as our facility contract ends in less than 2 years, God will have elevated us so that we can acquire our own land/property to set in motion the many projects that we feel God is leading us to start, for example a prayer center, an educational facility, a youth center, conference and training camps to train more workers for the harvest in Japan.

We believe that there is more the Lord has in store for the church and the people of Japan. We would like to invite you to our Church Building Fundraising Dinner, as we give towards the acquisition of our new church building to help us to achieve this. This will allow us to serve Tokyo, and Japan by extension, through areas like education, childcare and outreach. 



TWT Fundraising Dinner ::                                 チャリティーディナー
TWT Fundraising Dinner ::                                 チャリティーディナー
2022年7月17日 17:00
Tokyo Worship Tabernacle
Can you make it?

About the TWT HARVEST BUILDING Project :: ハーベスト施設プロジェクトについて

In 2003, God gave our Head Pastor John Datsomor a vision to start this church in downtown Tokyo, specifically in Shibuya Ward, with a divine mandate – to raise mighty men and women of God from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds, who will spread the whole gospel to the whole of Japan and the rest of the world,  just as David did during his time in Cave Adullam.


“And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him.

So he became captain over them. And there were about four hundred men with him.”  – 1 Samuel 22:2

「また、しえたげられている人々、負債のある人々、心に不満のある人々も皆、彼のもとに集まってきて、彼はその長となった。おおよそ四百人の人々が彼と共にあった。」 – サムエル記上22:2

Economic challenges, mental health issues, coupled with an increase in worrying crimes involving children, have caused many Japanese people to become disillusioned. With the hopelessness and emptiness in their lives, many are turning to destructive practices to find hope.




The aim of the Tokyo Worship Tabernacle (TWT) Building Project, in fulfilling the divine mandate, is to provide a sanctuary and a place of worship for such people at the heart of Tokyo in Shibuya Ward. The property will be equipped with a multilingual capacity and facilities for Japanese and foreigners living in or visiting Tokyo and surrounding areas. It will be a place where people, especially children and youth who are battling with  life’s pressures, can experience the peace and love of God.


Child Care 保育

& Youth Center ユースセンター

Recent years have seen an increase in the number of cases of domestic violence, child abuse and suicides in Japan. The TWT Child Care and Youth Center will offer free showers, washing machines, places to nap, and most importantly, counseling and a safe place for children and youth.



Education :: 教育

There is great demand in Japan and especially Tokyo for day cares, as well as educational institutions with the purpose of grooming global leaders. TWT will provide everything from day care and pre-school to primary education, as well as after school programs.  


Soul Winning 伝道

& Outreach アウトリーチ 

As a multicultural church, TWT will be a place of sanctuary, where people of all culture, race, and background can come to worship, hear the Word of God and experience the love of God.


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About the Project Location - SHIBUYA :: 場所について - 渋谷

Shibuya is a very popular area among students and young adults. Approximately 2.4 million students, young people, foreigners, and working adults use Shibuya and its surrounding stations. The Shibuya crossing is the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world; as many as 2,500 people cross the street every time the light changes. This is the city that we have been called to serve and spread the gospel to.



Click to make a donation to TWT Harvest Building Project.


You can also use the following information to give via bank transfers.


Branch Code 記号: 11330

Account Number 口座番号: 07698831
Account Name 


(イッパンシャダンホウジントウキョウ ワーシップ タバナクル)

Ippan Shadan Hojin Tokyo Worship Tabernacle

Branch Number 支店番号: 259

Branch Name 支店名: 新宿西口支店

(シンジュクニシグチシテン) Shinjuku Nishiguchi Shiten

Account Type 預金種目: Ordinary Deposit

Account Number 口座番号: 4560989

Account Name 口座名義:


(イッパンシャダンホウジントウキョウ ワーシップ タバナクル)

Ippan Shadan Hojin Tokyo Worship Tabernacl

Swift Code: SMBC JP JT

**For international transfer/国際送金は次のコードで行うことができます - Transfer Code: 0009

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